Mental Health Clinicians
Olentangy Schools offers mental health services, free of charge, at all schools across the district. Services include prevention, diagnostic assessments, and counseling for students who may request the services or who may be referred for services. Students can receive services, which may include an assessment and counseling for a wide variety of services including (but not limited to): life stressors, peer difficulties, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and ADHD, as well as other issues.
For buildings PK-8, Olentangy staffed mental health specialists oversee 3-4 buildings. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center partners with Olentangy Schools to offer mental health services to students within each of the high schools in the district. Each high school has one full-time OSUWMC staff embedded within the building serving as a mental health specialist.
In order for a student to receive an assessment and treatment level service, whether through an Olentangy or OSU mental health specialist, a parental consent is required.