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Olentangy: BridgED

Olentangy:BridgED is an activation team built to “bridge the gap” between K-12 and the business community. BridgED was built by corporate engagement professionals in academia to solve the fundamental challenges of helping companies and districts work together.

The impact is workforce development and ultimately student success and defining paths through graduation.

ACCESS: Internships, job shadowing, classroom presentations and experiences. 

AWARENESS: About jobs and companies in the community. We are always staying connected with Ohio data pertaining to workforce trends. 

UNDERSTANDING: There are many paths leading to successful careers, including options direct to the workforce post-graduation, 1-year certifications, 2-year degrees, and 4-year degrees. 


BridgED partner Worthington Steel hosts first ever high school IT Intern.  Through the Mentorship Class at Orange High School led by Jasmine Reilly, senior Samay Patel experienced firsthand the excitement of exploring IT in a real-world setting working with his Mentor Josh Lyday,  Software Developer at Worthington Steel.  Cassidy Burt, HR Business Partner, is a champion for supporting and promoting the power of collaboration between education and industry.  


Upcoming events and opportunities with each partner are located in SchooLinks. 

Accenture logo link
Delaware County logo link
Elford logo link
Forge Biological logo link
Honda logo link
Intel logo link
JP Morgan Chase logo link
Kokosing logo link
KSM logo link
M/I Homes logo link
OhioHealth logo link
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Logo link
KSM logo link
M/I Homes logo link
OhioHealth logo link
For more information
Molly Preston
Assistant Director of Strategic Partnerships