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Event Procedures

Throughout the school year, special events, both school-sponsored and non-school sponsored, are organized for fundraising, student entertainment and enrichment. School-sponsored activities may occur during school hours, outside the normal school day, or on or off campus.

The district will arrange for adequate security for the event, including police, paid security personnel, and participating school staff, consistent with the requirements of the facility and the nature of the sport or activity.

The principal, school safety personnel or administration will determine the level of security necessary for the event and may include:

  • Uniformed police, fire and safety personnel
  • School or private security personnel with identifying clothing
  • Public address announcer
  • District school staff and administration
  • School administration and staff from the competing schools

Security staff, staff and administration will be positioned strategically around the facility and be in constant communication with each other and with the designated administrator via electronic devices.