Practice walking and biking to school with an adult to learn your walk route.*
Stay alert and look around continuously to stay aware of what is around you.
Wear light colored or bright colored clothing so you can be seen.
Walk or bike in groups.
Pick a safe route to school that parents have approved. Avoid dangerous intersections.
Stick to the route, even if friends want to take a shortcut.
Wear a helmet when riding a bike.
Do not allow someone to ride as a passenger on your bike.
Make sure your bike is in good working condition. Check brakes, tires, bike chain, seat adjustment and reflectors. Make sure your bike is the proper size for you.
If something blocks your walk or bike path such as snow, ice, a sidewalk that is not continuous, look around and walk carefully around the obstruction. If the roadway is the only option, walk facing traffic so that traffic is visible. Use the shoulder of the road as far from the driving lane as possible.
Allow cars to pass before attempting to cross a street.
Obey traffic signs, signals and crossing guards.
Always look left and right a few times before and while crossing to make sure no vehicles are approaching.
Watch out for cars and trucks at every driveway and intersection. Look for drivers in parked cars. They may be getting ready to move.
If walking through parked vehicles, stop and look carefully before stepping out from between vehicles. Don’t run between parked cars and buses.
This sign
walk sign means you are approaching a school crosswalk.
Always walk inside a crosswalk when one is available.
Parents, please encourage your children to walk during times when a crossing guard is on duty.
Avoid clothing or gear that has the student's name visible displayed so that strangers can't use that information to approach or engage children in conversation.
Never leave school with a stranger, hitchhike or take rides not previously arranged by parents.
If strangers offer a ride, say NO. Stay away from unknown cars and people.
If someone follows in a car or on foot, get away as quickly as possible, run in the other direction and yell for help.
Encourage children to report suspicious behavior or strangers on campus, a public restroom or playground to a campus administrator or to another trusted adult.
For students who arrive home alone, remind them to lock doors, to call a parent to check in, and to never open the door for a stranger. Students should not share with others that they are home alone after school.
*Walk routes and maps are available at your school, the New Student Welcome Center and the transportation office.