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Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conference schedules and communications are unique to each school and are governed by the Olentangy Teachers Association Agreement:

  • Each building will establish a Parent-Teacher Conference Committee, ideally consisting of a minimum of five (5) certified staff members.
  • By March 1 of each calendar year, the building Parent-Teacher Conference Committee, in partnership with the building administration, will schedule conferences for the 1st and 2nd semesters of the following school year.
  • Teachers will have the day before Thanksgiving and one additional contractual day off in exchange for work completed outside of the school day.

Buildings are free to choose the conference dates and the format that work best for their school community. Most buildings maintain a structure of two nights in the fall and two nights in the spring, though some schools hold three conference nights in the fall and one in the spring to meet parent demand. 

In addition, teachers and principals will accommodate parent requests for meetings to discuss their child's performance outside of the regularly scheduled Parent-Teacher Conference nights.