2021-2022 Redistricting Decision
Superintendent Raiff shared the new 2021-2022 attendance boundaries at the March 25, 2021 Board of Education meeting. The Find Your School: GIS Map Tool below has been updated to reflect the new attendance boundaries.
Olentangy Schools will open its 16th elementary school on North Road, off of Peachblow Road, west of Piatt Road in August 2021. The opening of the 16th elementary school combined with continued rapid growth across the district creates the need for attendance boundaries to be adjusted across several elementary and middle school buildings.
Superintendent Raiff is charged with two major responsibilities by the state - to assign staff and assign students to buildings. A Superintendent’s Committee has been formed to address the attendance boundaries. The committee is comprised of 14 community members, who have spent the past three months examining our current attendance boundaries, feeder patterns and enrollment projections, using the Board of Education approved Redistricting Guidelines. The committee also works closely with the district’s partner, Cooperative Strategies, who provides the district enrollment projections, planning units and GIS mapping tools.
The committee has developed several options, which can be viewed at the links below, for your feedback. The Superintendent’s Committee will review all feedback and ultimately provide a recommendation to Superintendent Raiff to make a final decision on the new attendance boundaries. Mr. Raiff’s final redistricting decision will be shared at the Thursday, March 25, Board of Education meeting.
It is anticipated that a relatively small number of students will be moved during this year’s redistricting efforts. In the next 2-3 years, the district will open middle school 6 and elementary 17 creating the need at that time to enact a much more extensive redistricting plan.
In a rapidly growing school district, such as Olentangy, redistricting is a frequent reality. When reviewing the options and concepts, consider the bigger picture of balancing enrollment, easing overcrowding and opening a new building. It is essential that feedback is provided using the corresponding link after viewing the video in its entirety. Three Q & A sessions will be held on Saturday, February 20, for any questions not answered in the videos. Members of the redistricting committee will be available to answer your questions in real time on Saturday. These sessions will also be recorded for those unable to attend.
Northern Region Options
Live Stream
Northern Redistricting FAQ
- Q: Why is the Olentangy Falls neighborhood being moved to Arrowhead Elementary or Elementary School 16 versus moving other students out of Heritage such as neighborhoods south of Orange Road or the North Orange development to Alum Creek Elementary?
- Q: Why is The Pines neighborhood being redistricted to Arrowhead Elementary rather than remaining at Cheshire?
- Q: Why is Arrowhead Elementary underutilized?
- Q: Why is the Glenmead neighborhood being assigned to Arrowhead in the options when Cheshire is closer in proximity? Along with this, the Glenmead neighborhood is being split.
- Q: Why don’t the southern neighborhoods currently within the Heritage Elementary boundary move to Alum Creek Elementary?
Q: Why is the Olentangy Falls neighborhood being moved to Arrowhead Elementary or Elementary School 16 versus moving other students out of Heritage such as neighborhoods south of Orange Road or the North Orange development to Alum Creek Elementary?
Q: Why is The Pines neighborhood being redistricted to Arrowhead Elementary rather than remaining at Cheshire?
Q: Why is Arrowhead Elementary underutilized?
Q: Why is the Glenmead neighborhood being assigned to Arrowhead in the options when Cheshire is closer in proximity? Along with this, the Glenmead neighborhood is being split.
Q: Why don’t the southern neighborhoods currently within the Heritage Elementary boundary move to Alum Creek Elementary?
Southern Region Options
Live Stream
Southern Redistricting FAQ
- Q: What is Alum Creek Elementary projected enrollment growth without redistricting? There is so much growth around the Alum Creek Elementary area, why would we not plan to absorb that growth and not disrupt as many families for short term?
- Q: What is the difference in transportation costs with these plans?
- Q: It seems that this change sets Alum Creek Elementary up to feed into Orange High School instead of Olentangy High School. Can you speak on this?
- Q: I was wondering if the people who are coming from all the apartments near Olentangy Meadows are also being redistricted? There are very many people coming from there.
- Q: Without growth on the north end of the district, why not use ACES, the underutilized school to off load the over-utilized north like Heritage?
- Q: Why wouldn't you expand/contract the current boundaries rather than do a cut out that must travel across boundaries?
- Q: Does that mean that the numbers of teachers AND students will likely change? Or just students? How will this affect the student to teacher ratio?
Q: What is Alum Creek Elementary projected enrollment growth without redistricting? There is so much growth around the Alum Creek Elementary area, why would we not plan to absorb that growth and not disrupt as many families for short term?
Q: What is the difference in transportation costs with these plans?
Q: It seems that this change sets Alum Creek Elementary up to feed into Orange High School instead of Olentangy High School. Can you speak on this?
Q: I was wondering if the people who are coming from all the apartments near Olentangy Meadows are also being redistricted? There are very many people coming from there.
Q: Without growth on the north end of the district, why not use ACES, the underutilized school to off load the over-utilized north like Heritage?
Q: Why wouldn't you expand/contract the current boundaries rather than do a cut out that must travel across boundaries?
Q: Does that mean that the numbers of teachers AND students will likely change? Or just students? How will this affect the student to teacher ratio?
Middle School Concepts
Live Stream
- Q: Why redistrict middle schools now when it will happen again in two years?
- Q: Could the committee please describe how the middle school and the elementary options would be impacted by the next round of redistricting when our new middle school opens?
- Q: Do the impacted students in 7th grade have to change middle schools for 8th grade?
- Q: How big of an emphasis are you putting on numbers of students being moved in each plan?
- Q; Do you know what the current percentage split is for Hyatts Middle School with regard to what percentage goes to Berlin High School vs. Liberty High School? Do you know how this percent might change with the proposed plans?
- Q: You are weighing for consideration the number of total students impacted, but is or can there be consideration for the number of students or houses impacted historically?
Q: Why redistrict middle schools now when it will happen again in two years?
Q: Could the committee please describe how the middle school and the elementary options would be impacted by the next round of redistricting when our new middle school opens?
Q: Do the impacted students in 7th grade have to change middle schools for 8th grade?
Q: How big of an emphasis are you putting on numbers of students being moved in each plan?
Q; Do you know what the current percentage split is for Hyatts Middle School with regard to what percentage goes to Berlin High School vs. Liberty High School? Do you know how this percent might change with the proposed plans?
Q: You are weighing for consideration the number of total students impacted, but is or can there be consideration for the number of students or houses impacted historically?
Redistricting FAQ - General
- Q: Will there be any other options than the proposed options?
- Q: Do we have ideas of middle school boundaries with the new middle in a couple years?
- Q: Where are Middle School 6 and Elementary School 17 going to be located?
- Q: Are there hopes of not having to make any changes to the elementary boundaries in 2 years during the Middle School 6 process?
- Q: When will the recommendations be announced?