District Dyslexia Specialist
In January 2019, Olentangy Schools proudly announced that the Orton-Gillingham Training Program of the Olentangy Schools has been deemed as an accredited Orton-Gillingham Training Program by the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators. Olentangy Schools will lead the nation in being the first public school district to have an Orton-Gillingham accredited training program. The Academy’s letter states, “The Academy is gratified that Olentangy is giving full visibility and prominence to the Orton-Gillingham Approach. We are confident that this decision will serve Olentangy and student interests as the Academy well knows, that the Orton-Gillingham Approach, in the hands of well-trained and experienced practitioners, is a teaching intervention of extraordinary power.” For more information about AOGPE: https://www.ortonacademy.org/
Olentangy Schools employs a District Dyslexia Specialist to provide the following services to our students, staff, and families:
- A comprehensive screening process with a stated Goal - to ensure students are readers
Maintain and monitor the Dyslexia Screener
Maintain and develop Associate and Certified Orton-Gillingham (OG) training materials
Provide Orton-Gillingham (OG) teacher training and practicums at the OG Classroom Educator, Associate, Certified and Fellow levels of certification
Monitor the district goal to have certified OG intervention staff in all of the district school buildings
Be an ongoing resource to staff
Provide support to District Administration and improve communication regarding expectations and resources related to dyslexia
Collaborate with families and professionals impacted by dyslexia
Supervise placement of private OG tutors
Collaborate with RTI and IEP teams
Olentangy Schools District Dyslexia Specialist:
Holly Robbertz, M.Ed., F/AOGPE
Office phone number: (740) 657-5900 x3928
Cell phone number: (614) 352-9407