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Meal Account Information and Payment Options

Meal prices are as follow for the 2024-2025 school year:

  Breakfast Lunch
Elementary Schools $1.50 $2.50
Middle Schools $1.50 $2.75
High Schools $1.50 $3.00/$3.50

Families approved for free and reduced-price meals will receive meals at no cost to the family.

Additional items, such as extras and a la carte items are available for purchase for certain grade levels. Students must have funds on their account or cash to make these purchases.  Students will NOT be allowed to charge extras or a la carte items.   

Student’s account will be accessed through a pin pad, bar code reader, student ID, or by name search from the cafeteria computer. A school picture will appear on the computer screen for the cashier to identify the student to further ensure the security of the student’s account.  Any special dietary concerns or restrictions will appear in a special pop up box with the student’s account information.

Methods of payment include:

  • Online payments – Access the online payment system through PowerSchool parent account. Payment methods include credit and debit cards, and electronic checks. Contact your child’s school building with any PowerSchool account login questions.  At this time, you cannot make payments through the Olentangy or PowerSchool mobile app.
  • Cash –Cash payments must be in an envelope specified ”lunch account” with the child’s first and last name, student ID number, and teacher’s name.
  • Check– Make checks payable to “Olentangy Food Service” with your child’s name, ID number, and phone number.  If making a deposit for more than one child, note the amount that should be deposited into each child’s account.  Counter checks cannot be accepted for payment.

The student meal account is a debit card system, not a credit card system. Prompt payment of negative balances is appreciated.  Please see Board of Education Administrative Guidelines 8500D for the meal charge procedure.

You may view your child’s account history, which includes transactions and payment history, through your PowerSchool parent account, or contact the Olentangy Food Service office at 740-657-4053/5057 or olsd_lunchaccount@olsd.us. Low balance (under $10.00) and/or negative balance notifications are sent by email. Email address may be updated through the PowerSchool parent account as well.