Above Grade Level Testing
Olentangy Local Schools has students who choose to participate in above grade level testing each year. Students may take the ASPIRE, ACT, or SAT as an option to experience these assessments before the usual testing timeline. Participants receive not only their own scores, but also a statistical comparison with the scores of their same-age peers.
The information helps in making decisions when planning courses, a student should take and paths s/he might choose. The scores are supplied – but also a wealth of planning information.
Standardized grade level tests have their place. Research has shown that, when bright students take above grade level tests that are meant for older students, the results help parents, teachers, and students learn more about the true potential of these academically talented individuals.
Parents can obtain more information by going to the Northwestern University's Midwest Academic Talent Search or calling 847-491-3782 ext. 3.