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Media Relations and Guidelines

Media Guidelines

Olentangy Schools aims to work cooperatively with the news media for coverage of issues and events involving the school district, its students, or staff. However, the district is dedicated to providing all students with a safe and nurturing learning environment without unnecessary interruptions. Therefore, the following process and guidelines are in effect at all Olentangy Schools buildings and facilities:

  • All media inquiries should be directed to the Communications Department, specifically the Assistant Director of Communications. Exception: Routine athletic and/or extracurricular activity news coverage can be handled by the appropriate coach or sponsor.
  • The Communications Department must be contacted whenever a representative of the media would like to visit an Olentangy building or property. If the media visits an Olentangy site without prior approval, he or she will be asked to leave and directed to contact the Olentangy Communications department.
  • Media personnel may be allowed on an Olentangy property to record video/take photos or interview staff and/or students with approval from the Communications Department and the building administrators.
  • Cameras/reporters will only be allowed into an Olentangy building or classroom if the teacher or appropriate staff members have been notified and it is determined that the visit will not be disruptive to the learning environment.
  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. Olentangy’s FERPA list must be consulted before the media takes any group shots of students.
  • The media may not interview a student without Olentangy Schools receiving parental permission for that student, and a representative from Olentangy’s Communications Department must be present for the interview.
  • Olentangy Schools does send “Media Tips” with key happenings across the district, as well as press announcements. If a member of the media would like to be included in the distribution, please contact Amanda_beeman@olsd.us.

media inquiries

All requests for media coverage must come through the Olentangy Schools Communications Department. The Assistant Director of Communications will coordinate all media coverage and determine the best spokesperson for the district.


Amanda Beeman
Assistant Director of Communications
(740) 657-5080

Press Release Archive