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Olentangy Schools

Classified Interview Day is Wednesday, Feb. 26.


Olentangy Schools is hiring full-time and substitute positions. Email hr_employment@olsd.us with any employment opportunity questions.

Classified Full-Time and Substitute Positions

The following classified positions are seeking full-time and/or substitute staff. Substitute starting hourly wage is listed. Full-time pay rate is based on years of experience.

Full-Time and Substitute:

  • Bus Drivers: $22.87/hour
  • Custodians: $17.85/hour
  • Clinic Aides: $22.56/hour
  • Food Service: $17.45/hour


  • Intervention Aides: $20/hour
  • Aides: $18.19/hour; includes Lunchroom, Office, Playground, and Study Hall Aide positions.

Apply for full-time and substitute classified positions through the Olentangy Schools job board or join us for a Classified Interview Day on Wednesday, February 26 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Olentangy Administrative Offices. Applicants should bring a driver's license and social security card. RN or LPN required for clinic aide position.