Board Committees
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee supports the administration’s and school board’s efforts in the long-range projections of school enrollment, land acquisition to support facility needs, and design and construction of school buildings.
Finance and Audit Committee
The role of the Finance and Audit committee is to assist the Board of Education in a financial advisory role. It is not a decision-making committee.
Some specific tasks of the committee:
1. Review annually the forecasting assumptions made by the Treasurer, which leads to the financial projections of district included in the 5-year forecast.
2. Share business and financial best practices from the private and public sectors and recommend operational efficiencies.
3. Serve as the audit committee and perform the following functions:
a. Review the results of the audit;
b. Assure that the audit recommendations are appropriately addressed;
c. Assure auditors independence from management;
d. Serve as liaison between management and independent auditors.
Local Professional Development Committee
This committee reviews coursework and professional development activities proposed and completed by educators to determine if state certification and licensure requirement have been met.
Policy Committee
The Policy Committee's purpose is to review district policies. The committee meetings are held as needed at the Olentangy Administrative Offices, 7840 Graphics Way, Lewis Center.
School Advocacy Committee
The School Advocacy Committee’s dual purpose is to educate the Olentangy community about the issues facing the district with regard to state funding systems and to advocate for the Olentangy student and taxpayer at local, state and federal levels.
olentangy well-being and mental health committee
The Olentangy Well-Being and Mental Health Committee is a board committee to review the district's work in this area. The committee will make recommendations on ways to best discuss mental health issues, ensure all services are provided, and that effective partnerships exist between school officials, students, and parents.