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District Pillars



With an unparalleled wealth of opportunities from endless programs available to our students, children are encouraged to advance their personal interests and life experiences. Every student is encouraged to discover and follow their path.


Personal Achievement

We foster an environment that enables students and staff to achieve their goals. We encourage growth in individual skills and interests that will guide them toward their desired accomplishments.



We are “One Olentangy”, and strive to maintain this mantra even as our district grows and our student enrollment multiplies. Community pride, support, and commitment is essential to pave the way to a more successful future.



At Olentangy, we take pride in victory, show humility in defeat, and strive to make every opportunity count. Our mission is to facilitate maximum learning for each student. We do this by being thoughtful in our actions, resilient in our approach, and kind in our demeanor.

Smiling teacher leaning over to talk to seated students.


Today’s Olentangy students are tomorrow’s leaders. We consider the needs of each student in our pursuit of educational excellence. Our rankings, test scores, and graduation rates are of the highest in the state, and our graduates are prepared for the future.


Exceptional Value 

An investment in education is one for the future of our community, and we deliver a high return. We provide exceptional value for our schools by being efficient and financially responsible without sacrificing academic excellence.